Young Roots Heritage Lottery Program
Routes & Rhythm
Routes & Rhythm is a series of workshops that explores traditional musical instruments and the connection to African culture. By looking at the instruments and interviewing the players, we were able to trace the beautiful arts and culture of African people both from Africa, Brazil, The Caribbean and today's musical explosion of Hip-Hop music and how through these instruments has seen the development of musical styles, instruments and cultural influences today.
What we did
African musical routes is as vast as the continent. We decided to concentrate on a few areas. Drum music from West Africa. Stringed- Instruments and the Jally (Griot) tradition of Gambia and Senegal, Xylophone from Uganda, Caribbean Music Steel Pan and the modern expressions of Dub poetry and Hip Hop writing styles and productions. In addition, we visited Pitts Rivers Museum to see some old musical instruments and its cultural meanings in Heritage.(See, Pitts Rivers Museum page). We also learnt how to use digital camera's and how to interview the workshop leaders and media production. What was the best aspect for me, is being part of a team and learning more about our background. The whole experience has been great and the poem I have written below, illustrates what this project is all about.